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Digital Transformation in Real Estate - From Brick-and-Mortar to Bits-and-Bytes

Digital Transformation in Real Estate - From Brick-and-Mortar to Bits-and-Bytes

The real estate industry has long relied on in-person interactions, physical exchanges, and traditional paper contracts. In 1981, newspaper classifieds were the primary source of real estate listings, highlighting just how resistant the industry has been to change.

However, with the rise of technology and a younger, more digitally-inclined generation entering the market, there has been a gradual shift from brick-and-mortar to bits-and-bytes. The future of real estate is clearly one of digital solutions supporting business processes, customer acquisition through digital marketing and apps, and using real estate data to enhance offering and investment locations. 

The millennial generation, now reaching the prime home-buying age, has been a major driving force behind this change. In fact, in 2023 all homebuyers were looking for a home online and most of them used mobile devices to search. 

So, let's examine the digital transformation of the real estate industry—why it matters, its benefits, challenges, and the key technologies propelling it forward.

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What is the Digitalization Maturity of the Real Estate Industry?

Digitalization maturity refers to an organization's level of readiness for digital transformation. It takes into account the adoption of new technologies, digital skills, and knowledge, cultural attitudes toward change, and the overall ability to adapt to a more digital way of operating.

Real estate's digitalization maturity has been relatively low compared to other sectors. However, post-pandemic, there has been a surge in the adoption of digital tools and technologies as companies were forced to adapt to remote work and virtual interactions. This has given the industry a much-needed push towards digitalization maturity. 

Why Does the Digital Transformation of Real Estate Companies Matter?

Not long ago real estate transactions were largely paper-based, requiring countless hours of paperwork and in-person meetings.

Now, the remote work culture, growing digital literacy among consumers, and the need for more efficient processes have made digital transformation a necessity for real estate companies.

The digital natives (millennials and Gen Z) make up a significant portion of the home-buying market, and they expect seamless digital experiences. Companies that don't prioritize digital transformation risk losing out on this large customer base.

The growing popularity of eClosing is one example of digital transformation trends. A remarkable example of the extent to which the real estate business is moving towards digital solutions is the fact that according to the Zillow Consumer Housing Trends Report 2022, 54% of buyers would be confident and willing to make an offer on a home after seeing a virtual tour but not an in-person viewing.

Smart home technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) have also gained popularity in recent years, offering a more connected and secure living experience. In fact, the revenue of smart home technology in the US is projected to reach $55 billion by 2028. Companies that don't embrace these technologies risk falling behind their competitors and missing out on potential revenue streams.

Additionally, sellers and real estate companies also invest in the digitalization of real estate operations and adopt digital tools to minimize costs, avoid repeatable tasks, research market conditions, or manage marketing campaigns more effectively.

What are the Benefits of Real Estate Digital Transformation?

The benefits of digital transformation in real estate go beyond keeping up with the changing market. Let's examine some of them.

Reduced costs

Realtors often spend considerable time on administrative tasks like managing paperwork, scheduling appointments, and data entry. People may also have to drive long distances for meetings and property viewings, leading to high travel costs.

Digital tools such as CRM software, document management systems, and virtual tours can significantly reduce these costs and save time for real estate professionals. E-signatures, electronic contracts, and online transaction platforms can also save on printing and courier costs.

With the ability to work remotely, companies can also save on office space and overhead costs. As for property management, digital tools can help monitor and control energy usage, reducing utility costs for landlords.

Elevated customer experience

The real estate industry is all about relationships and providing a positive customer experience. When a client is buying or selling a property, they want to feel confident and well-informed throughout the process. A most potent tool in providing this confidence.

With digital tools, real estate agents can easily access and share property data, market trends, and other relevant information with their clients. Virtual tours, high-quality photos, and videos of properties improve the online experience for potential buyers.

Moreover, with remote work becoming more common, virtual meetings and online consultations can make the process more convenient for clients. By implementing these digital tools and methods, real estate companies can provide a seamless and elevated customer experience.

Improved productivity

By automating administrative tasks, real estate professionals can free up their time to focus on high-value activities like building relationships and closing deals. Digital tools also provide real-time access to information and data, reducing the need for manual data entry or searching through physical files.

Moreover, the ability to work remotely and collaborate virtually can increase productivity by eliminating travel time and allowing for more efficient communication. With improved productivity, real estate companies can handle a higher volume of transactions and potentially increase revenue.

Optimized sales

Digital tools can help real estate agents identify and target potential buyers more effectively. With predictive analytics and customer data, companies can personalize marketing efforts and send targeted campaigns to potential clients.

Moreover, virtual tours and high-quality visuals can better represent properties and attract more interested buyers. With optimized sales processes, real estate companies can close deals faster and increase their success rate.

Competitive advantage

Digital tools and processes can give companies a competitive edge in the real estate industry. As more consumers expect a digital experience, companies that have adopted these tools will stand out from those that still rely on traditional methods.

Moreover, digital tools help reduce costs, elevate customer experience, and improve productivity, allowing companies to offer more competitive prices and attract more clients. In a crowded market, having a strong digital presence can be the deciding factor for potential clients.

Better property management

Digital tools can significantly impact landlords' and property managers' property management and maintenance. With smart home technology, landlords can monitor and control energy usage, security systems, and other amenities remotely.

Moreover, digital platforms can help with tenant communication and rent collection. With better property management, landlords can attract and retain tenants and maintain the value of their properties.

What are the Main Challenges of Digital Transformation in Real Estate?

While the benefits of digital transformation may seem promising, companies may face some challenges as they transition to a more tech-driven approach. Let's examine some of these challenges.

Data migration from legacy systems

Traditional real estate companies' data and processes are often stored in on-premise systems or physical files. Migrating this data to a cloud-based system or digital platform is a significant challenge due to its sheer volume and complexity.

When data is not migrated correctly, it can lead to data loss, duplication, or errors, potentially impacting the accuracy and reliability of information. With thorough planning and proper implementation, data migration can be successful, but it requires careful consideration and expertise.

The need for digital upskilling for real estate professionals

As the industry becomes more digitized, real estate professionals may need to upskill and learn how to use new technologies. The learning curve may be steeper for those accustomed to traditional methods, and there may be resistance to change.

Companies may need to invest in training programs and provide ongoing support to ensure their employees can effectively utilize digital tools. Without proper upskilling, companies risk falling behind the competition and missing out on the benefits of digital transformation.

Data privacy concerns

As more data is collected and stored digitally, there is a growing concern over data privacy. The real estate sector deals with sensitive information like the personal and financial details of its clients, making it a target for cyber attacks. 

In fact, 3556 business leaders and 604 companies surveyed by IBM and Ponemon Institute reported experiencing a data breach. To mitigate this risk, companies must seek expert recommendations and implement robust security measures to protect the personal information of their clients.

Increasing competition

A better online experience, improved productivity, and optimized sales processes may lead to increased competition in the real estate industry. As buyers have more options and can easily access property information, companies may face pressure to differentiate themselves.

If companies do not keep up with digital advancements, they risk falling behind or being overlooked by potential clients. To stay competitive, companies must continually innovate and adapt to the changing market.

Key Digital Transformation Technologies in the Real Estate Industry

Let's take a look at some of the key digital technologies driving transformation in the real estate market.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Real Estate

The data and processes in the real estate industry make it an ideal candidate for AI and ML. When implemented correctly, AI and ML can improve the accuracy of property valuations and assist in lead generation and personalized marketing.

For example, AI-powered chatbots can provide instant responses to customer queries and assist with property searches. Additionally, ML algorithms can analyze past transaction data and predict future market trends to help real estate companies make informed decisions.

When combined with big data analytics, AI and ML can provide valuable insights for companies to figure out which properties may be more attractive to potential buyers or renters.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Real Estate

VR and AR technologies allow potential buyers to take virtual tours of properties. Smart home technology and 3D modeling have enabled real estate companies to create immersive virtual experiences. This reduces the need for in-person visits, saving time and resources for both buyers and sellers.

Not only does this increase convenience, but it also allows potential buyers to visualize themselves in a property before they make a decision. AR can also be used to provide additional information about properties through virtual overlays.

Blockchain Technology in Real Estate Digitalization

Blockchain technology is transforming property transactions. It provides a secure and transparent platform for recording, tracking, and verifying property ownership and contracts.

The use of smart contracts in blockchain can automate and streamline the buying and selling process, reducing the need for intermediaries. Additionally, blockchain's immutable nature ensures that property records cannot be tampered with, providing a more secure system for all parties involved. 

Internet of Things (IoT) in Real Estate Digitalization

In the real estate industry, IoT can be used to collect data on energy usage and property maintenance. For example, smart sensors can monitor temperature and humidity levels, detect water leaks, and control lighting and appliances.

With the help of IoT devices, real estate companies can optimize energy usage and improve building maintenance. A smart and energy-efficient property can also be marketed as a selling point to potential buyers or renters.

Other potential applications of IoT in real estate include smart parking systems, security monitoring, and personalized experiences for tenants. The data collected from these devices can also be used for predictive analytics, improving decision-making processes.

Big Data Analytics in Real Estate

As the industry becomes more digitized, vast amounts of data are being collected. Big data analytics allows companies to process and analyze this data, providing valuable insights into market trends, customer behaviors, and property performance.

With the help of big data analytics, real estate companies can also personalize their marketing strategies. They can identify the preferences and needs of potential clients and tailor their offerings accordingly.

Big data analytics also enables companies to identify potential risks and opportunities. If a particular area is experiencing a surge in property demand, companies can quickly react and invest in that market. For property management, big data analytics can help predict maintenance needs and reduce costs by identifying patterns in property usage.

Top Real-Life Examples of Successful Digital Transformation in Real Estate

There are many digital transformation examples nowadays - companies are leveraging digital tools and solutions to improve their results.  Let's examine some real-life examples of companies that have successfully implemented digital transformation in the real estate industry.


Marketer is a prominent B2C property sales portal that continuously applies new technologies to enhance the user experience through digital tools. In collaboration with our experts, Marketer developed a state-of-the-art online checkout system that allows buyers to swiftly and conveniently place bids on desired properties. The iRonin.IT team also worked on enhancing the property viewing experience. 

The immediate key result of those changes was onboarding three large clients who saw the tangible benefits of using Marketer platforms in the real estate marketplace.


Redfin is an online real estate brokerage company in the United States that has fully embraced digital transformation. They use AI and ML algorithms to provide more accurate home valuations, saving time for both buyers and sellers.

The platform offers mortgage calculators, virtual property tours, seller dashboards, and agent ratings to make buying and selling properties more efficient. It has also implemented blockchain technology for property transactions.

This has helped Redfin save costs and provide a more secure platform for their customers.


Zillow is another company that has successfully digitized the real estate industry. Its online tech marketplace allows buyers to search for properties, get mortgage quotes, and compare home values. The company also uses AI algorithms to personalize property recommendations for potential buyers.

With the help of big data analytics, Zillow can also provide insights and trends on specific neighborhoods and properties, helping buyers make informed decisions.

Accelerate Digital Transformation in Your Real Estate Company with iRonin.IT

If you are a real estate company looking to accelerate your digital transformation, iRonin.IT can help. As a software development company with years of experience in the real estate industry, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with digitization.

We can work with you to develop custom software solutions that utilize the latest technologies, such as AI, AR/VR, blockchain, and IoT. Our team of experts can also help you analyze and make sense of your data using big data analytics.

Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can support your digital transformation journey.

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