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How Does HR Chatbots Improve Employee Engagement and Support?

How Does HR Chatbots Improve Employee Engagement and Support?

The modern workplace is a very dynamically changing concept due to factors such as digital transformation processes, accelerated adoption of proven methods and methodologies (i.e., incorporating Lean and Agile management strategies into corporate hierarchies), growing popularity of remote work, changing employee expectations regarding team culture and employee benefits, and generational shift with increasing numbers of Generation Z employees, the first generation growing up with devices connected to the Internet, entering the workforce.

The companies dealing with those shifts employ different strategies, some of which use specialized technical solutions. One domain that has been changing the most is how HR specialists connect with employees to impart knowledge about the organization, assist in common requests, and solve organizational challenges. For HR specialists, increasing employee engagement is often one of the top priorities - according to recent studies from Gallup, organizations with highly engaged employees report 23% higher profitability. 

HR departments need to rethink employee engagement and support strategies to combat this issue. A viable solution is implementing HR chatbots to help HR specialists automate common tasks, disseminate relevant information, and handle basic inquiries with little to no involvement of HR employees. Let's explore how HR chatbots can improve employee engagement and support.

Why Employee Engagement and Support Matters?

Employee engagement refers to employees' commitment, motivation, and satisfaction towards their work and organization.

When employees are engaged, they are more productive and motivated to contribute their best efforts toward achieving the company's goals.

Engaged employees also have a higher sense of loyalty and are less likely to leave their jobs. A study by St. Cloud State University found that engaged employees perform 20% better and have an 87% higher retention rate than disengaged employees.

Employees who are not engaged may feel disconnected from their work and the company, leading to lackluster performance and potentially even seeking job opportunities elsewhere. In addition to affecting productivity and retention, low employee engagement can impact the company's bottom line.

Employees' quality of support and resources can significantly impact their overall engagement with the company. The remote work setup has made it difficult for HR professionals to provide timely and practical support.

They face high employee inquiries, difficulty tracking and addressing individual needs, and lengthy response times. Traditional employee engagement methods like surveys and one-on-one meetings have become less feasible in a virtual setting.

What is the Role of an HR Chatbot in Employee Engagement, and What do Chatbots offer?

HR chatbots act as virtual assistants that can interact with employees, provide information, and address their questions and concerns.

A chatbot is an artificial intelligence-powered tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) methods to mimic human conversation and understand context, making them an efficient support method.

Leveraging HR chatbots to streamline complex processes

Some HR processes and tasks are very complex due to communication challenges, emotional aspects, and the vast knowledge that must be imparted to the employee. 

Using chatbots as a complementary element in those tasks and processes can become a part of building an efficient HR department. The role of the chatbots in such cases is to support the best common understanding of relevant policies, standards, protocols, responsibilities, requirements, and expectations. While parts of such processes should be conducted face-to-face for the best result and to create an actual human connection, a chatbot is a virtual assistant that can help fill in the gaps, ensuring that the employee can access all relevant information in a given situation.

Reducing administrative work and everyday HR tasks

AI-powered HR chatbots can help automate a lot of repetitive HR tasks and can help your HR staff handle repetitive questions from your employees, provide helpful clarifications, or illustrate multiple examples. While chatbots deliver substantial value to HR specialists in this aspect, HR chatbot allows employees to quickly access HR policies and other knowledge from a single source of truth, reducing the time and effort needed to get the information necessary to the employee.

24/7 accessibility

One of the most significant advantages of HR chatbots is their ability to provide support 24/7. Employees can access HR support anytime, regardless of their physical location or time zone differences. A timely response to employee inquiries is essential for building trust and promoting engagement. With the automation of HR processes, employees no longer have to wait for a response or feel their concerns are not being addressed.

Personalized interaction

HR bots can be integrated with HR systems and databases, allowing them to personalize employee interactions. They can understand an employee's role, department, and previous conversations to provide tailored responses and support. This personalized experience can increase employee satisfaction and their engagement with the company. 

Privacy and confidentiality

One of the reasons the employees' engagement may be lowered are unmet employee needs, unaddressed conflicts, or other aspects that may be considered sensitive by the employee. Chatbot can deliver a judgment-free knowledge source and toolset to support employees seeking advice or resources to resolve problematic elements. Chatbot can also be a tool where employees can provide more objective feedback and help HR professionals notice a problem in an organization without the fear of affecting their well-being or relations in the workspace - which is a step to achieving standards required by well-renowned certification programs.

Fair and transparent access to HR policies

Providing an HR chatbot allows employees to get relevant responses to their inquiries in a transparent and unbiased manner. All employees will have access to the same pool of knowledge, eliminating unconscious bias that people within the organization can carry. Chatbots are an excellent tool for organizations trying to improve their diversity and inclusion standards and work on their Corporate Social Responsibility efforts.

How Chatbots in HR Improve Employee Support?

HR chatbots can significantly improve the support provided to employees. Let's explore how they do this.

Onboarding and training

Employees who join a new company have many questions and need guidance to understand policies, procedures, and training materials.

HR chatbots can provide an interactive onboarding process by answering questions, providing relevant resources and materials, and guiding employees. For example, the chatbot can ask employees to fill out necessary forms or complete mandatory training modules within the conversation. 

HR chatbots can also be integrated with learning management systems (LMS) to provide personalized training based on an employee's role and department. With chatbots, employees can access onboarding and training materials anytime and at their own pace, making the process more convenient and engaging.

FAQs and information retrieval

HR chatbots can also act as a centralized source of information for employees. They can retrieve frequently asked questions (FAQs) and provide relevant answers, reducing the need for employees to approach HR staff for routine queries. With chatbots, employees can quickly get the information they need without waiting for a response or disrupting their work. This reduces the burden on HR teams and allows them to focus on more critical tasks.

How Using HR Chatbots Improve Communication and Feedback?

You can also use AI-powered HR support to improve communication and gather employee feedback. Let's see how.

Real-time feedback collection

HR chatbots can collect real-time employee feedback through surveys and other interactive means. When a chatbot regularly asks employees for their opinions, it creates a more inclusive and engaging environment. The continuous feedback loop allows HR leaders to identify and address issues or concerns before escalating.

Communication channels

HR chatbots can serve as an additional communication channel for companies. They can disseminate company news, updates, and announcements in a conversational tone. This helps keep employees informed and engaged with the company's goals and direction. Chatbot platforms can also be integrated with other communication tools like email or messaging platforms to provide more options for employees to access information.

The Chatbots' Role in Automating Routine HR Tasks

HR chatbots can help automate several routine HR operations, freeing time for HR managers. Let's look at some examples.

Leave management

Managing leave requests and approvals can be time-consuming for HR staff. With chatbots, employees can request and receive leave approval through an automated process. If an employee has accrued leave, the chatbot can automatically approve the request and update records in HR systems. With chatbots handling these tasks, HR teams can focus on more strategic initiatives and employee support.

Performance reviews and goal-setting

HR chatbots can also assist in scheduling performance reviews and setting employee goals. They can send reminders to employees and managers to complete evaluations, collect feedback from team members, and provide guidance on goal-setting based on company objectives.

Consistency and fairness in performance management are maintained as chatbots can follow predetermined guidelines. This also reduces the chances of bias and ensures employees receive appropriate recognition and development opportunities.

How to Ensure Data Security and Privacy with Best HR Chatbots?

HR chatbots handle sensitive employee information, prioritizing data security and privacy. Let's explore how to ensure these aspects are not compromised.

Compliance with regulations

Data compliance regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, require companies to protect the personal information of their employees.

The HR chatbot must adhere to these regulations by obtaining consent and providing transparent data collection and processing policies. With a strict policy, the chatbot will only collect and store data needed for its operation.

The consent can be in the form of a disclaimer before using the chatbot, and employees should have the option to opt out of data collection. HR teams must also regularly review and update these policies as regulations change.

Secure data storage and transmission

When integrating HR chatbots, the protocol for secure data storage and transmission must be established. Chatbot developers must follow industry-standard security measures like encryption and access controls to protect data from unauthorized access or breaches.

They must regularly monitor and perform vulnerability assessments on chatbot systems to identify and fix potential risks. Chatbots should also be capable of detecting and responding to security threats in real time.

With these measures in place, HR chatbots can ensure the confidentiality and integrity of employee data.

How do you integrate chatbots with other HR systems and tools?

When implementing HR chatbots, organizations must consider how to integrate them with other HR systems and tools to maximize their effectiveness.

Technically, custom chatbot solutions can integrate with any data source and service with a developed API or specialized integration (i.e., a plugin system). 

Chatbots can be integrated with HR systems such as applicant tracking systems (ATS), performance management, or payroll systems. In an integration, chatbots can retrieve relevant information from these systems and provide a more personalized experience for employees.

They can also be integrated with messaging tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams, allowing employees to access the chatbot through their preferred communication channel. This increases accessibility and convenience for employees, as they don't have to switch between platforms to interact with the chatbot.

Additionally, HR chatbots can be integrated with virtual assistant devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home, providing even more options for employee interaction.

HR teams must work closely with chatbot developers to identify and prioritize the necessary integrations for their organization. By integrating chatbots with other HR systems and tools, companies can create a user-friendly and efficient employee experience.

HR Chatbots Use Cases and Real-World Examples 

Let's take a look at some use cases of how HR chatbots are being used in different industries:

  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) implemented an AI-powered chatbot on their careers website to engage and convert job seekers into new hires. The chatbot collects information about the candidate's background and interests, narrows down job options, and answers questions about the company and hiring process.
  • General Motors (GM) also utilizes an AI chatbot for its candidate management process. With an average of one to two million applications annually, GM needed a more efficient way to schedule interviews and capture highly competitive candidates. The chatbot helps save time and attract top talent by automating specific tasks.
  • Companies also use HR chatbots to onboard new employees, answer frequently asked questions, and provide learning and development opportunities. These chatbots improve the employee experience and allow HR teams to focus on more complex tasks.

Introduce HR Chatbots to Your Company Today

As technology advances, AI chatbots are becoming an essential tool for many organizations. By automating tasks, improving efficiency, and providing a better employee experience, they can add significant value to any HR team.

Consider introducing an AI-powered HR chatbot to your company and experience the benefits it can bring to your organization. With careful planning, implementation, and monitoring, HR chatbots can save time, increase productivity, and ensure consistency and fairness in performance management. 

If you are looking for a reliable IT partner who will help you with HR chatbot development and integration, other digital transformation, or software development efforts, contact iRonin.IT experts now. We have 20 years of experience delivering software solutions that help businesses worldwide solve their challenges — whether it's automating repetitive tasks, building new products, or reducing costs and improving ROI.

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