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RogaLOVE is a charity event meant to raise awareness and gather resources that can help improve healthcare for those who need it most: children in need of transplants. The proceeds will go towards building a specialized hospital for this purpose. RogaLOVE takes advantage of a Poznań tradition: the Rogal Świętomarciński (st. Martin’s Croissant). These certified baked goods are traditionally produced and eaten around the time of the Polish Independence Day on November 11. RogaLOVE allows participants to purchase the Polish croissants and send them out as gifts. The proceeds go to charity.

The idea behind RogaLOVE is simple: send various people your love via delicious baked goods while supporting healthcare! The croissants are delivered by a courier company, and the entire scenario is both a fantastic way to support charity and uphold both local and national traditions. The history behind the rogals is actually very interesting. On the 11th of November, 1891, the parson of the St. Martin parish in Poznań asked his parishioners to follow the example of their patron and do something to help the poor. In response, one of the city’s confectioners, Józef Melzer, started the tradition of baking St. Martin’s Croissants, so the rich could buy them and share them with the less fortunate.

We’ve decided to participate this year: we sent a delicious croissant to every member of iRonin’s team. The croissants are a Poznań tradition, which means many of our team members have never had a chance to try them. We wanted to share it with them, taking advantage of our remote culture to spread a local tradition all around the country. The results were: copious amounts of fun, photos of happy teammates and the satisfaction of contributing to a good cause.

If you’d like to try RogaLOVE yourself, just go to their website between the 4th and 17th of November and order your croissants. They make a great gift to business partners or clients, as well. All proceeds will go to charity - this year it’s Dzieciaki Chojraki, who help children in need of oncological treatment.

And don’t forget to grab a croissant for yourself! They are delicious.

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